Lenhart Auction, since 1963, is a full-service company specializing in the Auction Method of Marketing, utilizing the online auction method.

Kerry Lenhart, Auctioneer
Kerry Lenhart, CAI, RNG
Illinois License 440000358
Indiana License AU19500000
- Owner/Auctioneer at Lenhart auction and realty, LLC
- BFA – Kansas State University, 1987 in graphic design
- 2016 graduate of Certified Auctioneers Institute, CAI Masters of Auctioneering
- 1983 Graduate of Missouri Auction School
- Licensed Auctioneer in Illinois and Indiana
- Member of the National Auctioneers Association
- Member of the Illinois Auctioneers Association
- Member of the Indiana Auctioneers Association
- Board member of the Illinois Auctioneers Association
- Designer of award winning advertising
- Bid calling Finalist in Illinois, Indiana and Tennessee
- Part of team that has sold auctions in 11 states
- Ran the computerized auction clerking systems for over 35 years
- Was three months old when Lenhart Auction was started
- Has been in the auction business since 1963
- 2nd generation auction
- Really Nice Guy
Doyne Lenhart
- Auctioneer since 1963
- Licensed Auctioneer in Illinois and Indiana
- Licensed real estate broker in Illinois and Indiana
- Conducts 70-100 auctions per year, including 30-40 real estate auctions
- CAI designation (Certified Auctioneer Institute) through the National Auctioneers Association at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
- AARE designation (Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate) through the National Auctioneers Association at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
- Member of the Central Illinois Board of Realtors, Illinois Association of Realtors and National Association of Realtors
- Past President of the Illinois State Auctioneers Association.
- Graduate of Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, and Reisch Auction School, Mason City, IA. (Now known as the World Wide College of Auctioneering.)
- Graduate of the Certified Appraisal Guild of America from Missouri Auction School
- Has completed course work with the International Society of Appraisers.
- Has been an instructor for continuing education for the Illinois State and Indiana Auctioneers license requirements and has done seminars for the National Auctioneers Association and Wisconsin Auctioneers Association.
- Attended auction conventions and seminars for over 40 years to keep up on trends and new ideas.
- Won multiple advertising awards at both Illinois State and Indiana Auction Conventions.
- In 2010, in a “People’s Choice” poll conducted by the Commercial-News, Lenhart Auction & Realty, was selected by the people’s vote to be #1 Auction Company in the area.
- Inducted into the Illinois State Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame
- Inducted into the Indiana Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame
Marcia Lenhart, Manager
- Graduate of Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.
- International Society of Appraisers member
- Very knowledgeable about antiques and studies them constantly
- Collected gold and gemstone jewelry for 40 years
- Teaches classes on jewelry identification
- Sells at four to six antique shows per year and also by appointment
- Writes all the auction sale bills for antiques and household auctions
- Manages the antiques auctions
- Computerized Auction Clerk